Focal Pointe Observatory Astrophotography by Bob Franke
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Hα Filtered Wide Field View Of The Bubble Nebula
Click the image for a 4.67 arcsec/pixel (3/4 size) display (2700 x 1900)
Takahashi FSQ-106ED @ f/5.0 (530 mm F.L.) Captured at 3.5 arcsec/pixel. Shown resampled to 16.8 arcsec/pixel.
Paramount ME
SBIG STL-11000 w/ internal filter wheel, AstroDon 6nm Filters
Acquisition Data
9/15/2008 to 9/28/2008 Chino Valley... with CCDAutoPilot3
Hα 540 min. (18 x 30 min. bin 1x1)
CCDSoft, CCDStack, Photoshop CS w/ the Fits Liberator plugin and Noel Carboni's actions.
CCDStack to calibrate, register, normalize, data reject & combine.
PhotoShop for non-linear stretching and the color combine.
North is to the right.