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Hello, my name is Bob Franke (as in
yankee) and I am not the folk singer. I may have to change my web presence to Robert
Franke. The image, to the left, was taken on my retirement day in Feb 2007.
I was a software developer for a Fortune 500 company near Seattle, WA.
All images, before 2007, were taken from the Seattle neighborhood of
Magnolia. This is about three miles from the core of downtown Seattle.
I now live in Chino Valley, AZ with my wife,
Mission Statement
The mission of the
Focal Pointe Observatory is to produce "pretty pictures."
Purists will say my images are bogus because the data are highly modified and all scientific value is lost. Well,
like many other astro-artists, I just don’t care about science with my
images. The closest I may get to science will probably be searching
for a super nova. Shown below is a comparison of an unprocessed "scientific" and
"pretty picture" image. The two images were created from the same data.
original unprocessed |
highly processed
pretty picture |
After 20 years of
engineering software development, I was burned out on
programming. I am now starting to finish some of the
programs I have started for astrophotography. Five free
programs are now available, just click the "My Freeware"
link. |

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the images on this site, adjust your display contrast and brightness
to clearly see the division between all 23 gray tones in the above
image. You may find it necessary to turn the brightness or contrast
to the maximum setting. |
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correctly with Firefox, it may be necessary to install IE Tabs. Click
here for more information. |
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resolutions you may prefer viewing with "Full Screen" turned on.
Simply press F11 to enter and exit full screen. You may also zoom
the site in or out by using Ctrl + or -. These features are
available with MS Internet Explorer and Mozilla FireFox. |
Copyright Notice
All images and site
content are Copyright ©2003-2018 by Robert Franke, unless otherwise
noted for specific content. Images may be used on a personal
computer (for wallpaper, etc), or in a non-profit publication (such
as a club newsletter) with proper credit to the author. Any
commercial or for-profit use is prohibited without permission. |