Shown rotated 160°
counter clockwise.
There is almost no
information about this nebula except that it is classified as a
reflection nebula in the Simbad database. Simbad notes the small
orange area, at the top of the nebula, as a star cluster and a young
stellar object.
Johann Dorschner and
Joachim Gürtler added this object to their catalog sometime around
1963. Beverly Lynds cataloged the object as LBN 818 in the early
1960's. Lynds discovered the object while examining the Palomar Sky
Survey plates (POSS1). It is unlikely that Dorschner and Gürtler used the
POSS1 images.
An Internet search
found no images of the nebula. It only seems to show up on sky
surveys. So, this may be the only image that specifically targets
Further processing
The FPO background had extreme color gradients. The mouse over image
shows a colorless background. Adding the highly stretched Ha data
revealed the nebula's structure.
The POSS2 image appeared to have proper background color. So, the
POSS2 background and nebula were added to the FPO image with PhotoShop's lighten blend
mode. This gave a more correct background
and better highlighted the bright spot at the upper left corner of
the nebula.
The finished FPO image shows more structure. However,
the POSS2 image is probably a more accurate general representation,
but with incorrect star color.