The developer of Source
Extractor used unfortunate filenames and extensions. It seems that the
Norton™ AntiVirus software does not like extensions of ".sex" or an
executable named "sex.exe" or "SExtractor.exe". It was okay to change the executable to Extract.exe but not the two support files.
Norton is now detecting Extract.exe as a renamed version of SExtractor.exe. So
it may be necessary to add both executable names to the Norton exclusion
list. As listed below, first try excluding the entire eXcalibrator
Also, there is something in eXcalibrator.exe that Norton does not like.
All of these files are okay and will not harm your system. It may be
necessary to use the following steps to install eXcalibrator.
Create a folder for
Add this folder to the
Norton™ AntiVirus exclusion list.
Unzip all of the eXcalibrator files into this folder.
Create a shortcut for eXcalibrator.exe.