Instrument |
12.5" RCOS @ ~f/9
(2880 mm fl) 0.64 arcsec / pixel. The Zoomify image scale is 1.28 to
3.51 arcsec / pixel. |
Mount |
Paramount ME |
Camera |
SBIG STL-11000 w/
FW8-STL filter wheel, AstroDon Filters. |
Acquisition Data |
9/6/2009 to 9/15/2009
Chino Valley, AZ |
Exposure |
Lum |
min. (12 x 10 min. bin 1x1) |
180 min. ( 6 x
10 min. each bin 1x1) |
Software |
CCDStack, PixInsight, PhotoShop &
Carboni's actions.
No SDSS stars were
available for color balancing, so a standard image-train
calibration was used, as determined by
eXcalibrator v4.1, and then adjusted for altitude extinction
PixFix32 (pre-beta) to
repair hot/cold pixels and column defects.
CCDStack to register,
normalize, data reject , combine sub exposures and creating the RGB.
PixInsight for gradient removal and
initial non-linear stretching.
PhotoShop for the LRGB combine & final
Noiseware 5, a PhotoShop plug-in.
Comment |
North is to the top.
Messier 29 (M29, NGC
6913), Discovered 1764 by Charles Messier, is a open cluster located
in the area of Milky Way near Gamma Cygni, at a distance of 4000 or
7000 light years. The uncertainty of distance is due to inaccurately
known absorption of the cluster's light. Surrounding the cluster,
and to the right, is the red emission nebula DWB33.