Software & Processing Notes
CCDSoft, CCDStack,
PixInsight, Photoshop CS6.
v6.1 for (g:r),(b:r) color balancing, using
175 stars from the Pan-STARRS database.
CCDBand-Aid to repair
KAI-11000M vertical bars.
CCDStack to
calibrate the sub exposures.
PixInsight to
register, data reject, mean combine the sub exposures and
create the LRGB image. Also for
gradient removal, non-linear stretching with HistogramTransformation,
color saturation
and increased galaxy core detail with HDRMultiscaleTransform.
PhotoShop layers
for selectivly adding the enhanced galaxy core data, selective
sharpening, and background noise reduction.
Noiseware 5, a PhotoShop plug-in.