here to view the image, 1/2 size, without Zoomify (1900 x
Instrument |
12.5" RCOS @
~f/9 (2880 mm fl) 0.643 arcsec / pixel. The Zoomify image
scale is 1.08 to 3.17 arcsec / pixel. |
Mount |
Paramount ME |
Camera |
SBIG STL-11000 w/
internal filter wheel, AstroDon Filters |
Acquisition Data |
to 11/26/2009 Chino Valley, AZ... with CCDAutoPilot3 & CCDSoft. |
Exposure |
360 min (12 x 30 min, bin 1x1)
for an LRGB natural
color version.
here for narrowband color mapped images. |
Software |
CCDStack, Photoshop CS w/ the Fits Liberator plugin
and Noel Carboni's actions.
PixFix32 (pre-beta) to
repair hot/cold pixels and column defects.
CCDStack to calibrate, register,
normalize, data reject and combining the sub exposures .
PhotoShop for
non-linear stretching. |
Comment |
North is to the right.
IC 410 is at a
distance of about 12,000 light-years, toward the constellation
Auriga. The emission nebula surrounds NGC 1893, a young star
cluster, which energizes the gas. At the upper right are two
interesting objects, about 10 light-years long, that are commonly
named "The Tadpoles." Their creation by stellar winds and radiation
is most evident in that the Tadpole's tails point directly away from
the nebula's central star cluster. |