Focal Pointe Observatory
Astrophotography by Bob Franke

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IC 5067 - Color Mapped

      Click the full screen zoom button           ^
Click the image to Zoom and Pan              

Click here to view the image without Zoomify (1800 x 1200, 630 KB)




12.5" RCOS @  ~f/9 (2880 mm fl) 0.64 arcsec / pixel.  The Zoomify image scale is 1.41 to 3.39 arcsec / pixel.


Paramount ME


SBIG STL-11000 w/ internal filter wheel, AstroDon Gen II Filters

Acquisition Data

7/19/2011 to 10/7/2011 Chino Valley, AZ... with CCDAutoPilot3 & CCDSoft.  AOL guided


SII   780 min.  (26 x 30 min. bin 1x1)

Hα    390 min. (13 x 30 min. bin 1x1)

OIII 1140 min. (38 x 30 min. bin 1x1)

Lum  270 min. (18 x 15 min. bin 1x1)

RGB  360 min. ( 8 x 15 min. each, bin 2x2)


SII, Ha & OIII are mapped to RGB respectively and LRGB is added with 25% opacity,

Click here for the RGB color image.

Click here for an Ha filtered b/w image.


  • CCDSoft, CCDStack, Photoshop CS and Noel Carboni's actions..

  • PixFix32 (pre-beta) to repair column defects.

  • CCDStack to calibrate, register, normalize, data reject, combine the sub exposures.

  • PhotoShop for the color combine, on-linear stretching and adding the LRGB data

  • Noiseware Pro, a PhotoShop plug-in.


North is to the right.

IC 5067 is the elephant trunk region of the Pelican Nebula, which also includes IC 5070. This HII region is located in the Cygnus constellation, at a distance of about 2,000 light-years.

This image was taken with SII, Ha and OIII filters mapped to red, green and blue. The orange areas show the presence of both sulfur (SII) and hydrogen (Ha). For aesthetics, the hydrogen only areas were adjusted from the original green to blue. The oxygen (OIII) data is very weak and is basically overwhelmed by the SII and Ha..