Instrument |
12.5" RCOS @
~f/9 (2880 mm fl) 1.28 arcsec / pixel. Zoomify image scale is
1.28 to 3.33 arcsec / pixel. |
Mount |
Paramount ME |
Camera |
SBIG STL-11000 w/ internal filter wheel, AstroDon Filters |
Acquisition Data |
1/11/2010 to 2/12/2010 Chino Valley, AZ... with CCDAutoPilot3 & CCDSoft. |
Exposure |
240 min (16 x 15 min, bin 2x2)
225 min ( 5 x 15 min each, bin 2x2)
Software |
CCDSoft, CCDStack,
Photoshop CS w/ the Fits Liberator plugin. Noel Carboni's actions.
eXcalibrator for (b-v), (v-r) color calibration, using 18 stars from
the NOMAD1 database.
PixFix32 (pre-beta) to
repair hot/cold pixels and column defects.
CCDStack to calibrate,
register, normalize, data reject, combine the sub exposures, LRGB
PhotoShop for
on-linear stretching,
sharpening and LLRGB
Comment |
North is to the top.
The Sh2-254 to Sh2-258 complex is located about 8000 light-years
away, toward the constellation of Orion. The structure is embedded
in a large molecular cloud, centered between Sh2-255 and 257.